May 19 2022

Pleasant days at the homestead.

A healthier environment is shaping up for Lucky and Bucky
with the new grass and routine poop pickup:

Bucky's new diet is working wonders for his colitis.
(The colitis was my fault.  I had fed him spicy-hot 
corn-chips even though I used to know better.)

The new diet is chicken breast, chicken liver, white
rice, peeled potatoes, eggs, spinach, canola oil and
fish oil; supplemented to AAFCO puppy standards of course:

Bucky is going to work with me for the time being.
Here he is in his pen, which he loves with perfect 
all-day contentment.  He also pulls me on the bicycle 
to the coffee shop twice a day:

Lucky loves his new little friend.  Here are Lucky and
Bucky on the den couch:

Bucky napping on top of Lucky:

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