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Portland, Oreg.,
Tues., Nov 2, 1937.

Dearest Elsie,-

    Well the other fellow is going to be back on the job at the Safeway store tomorrow, so I'll be going back on my route again in the morning.
    It rained part of the time today but it is clear again tonite.
    Wanea asked me tonight if I would give her a chance to meet you upon your arrival here, and I told her that we would be there at the restaurant for dinner on that day. She said, "Good, I'll see that you get an extra special dinner." Boy, but it's sure going to be one glorious day for me, rain or shine! Just think Darling, it's been 4 1/2 months since I've seen you. And it looks like it's going to be another 19 days yet before I can see you. But it seems lke a year since I left you behind.
    I am quite sure that I will be receiving some money from home by next Sat. I do not expect to make very much money on the route this month or even for another 5 or 6 weeks, but from then on I should start making some real money. At least, I'm going to do my level best.
    Signing off.   I am Your Hun   Irv.

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