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Portland, Oreg.
Sept 18, 1937.

Dearest Darling -

    Here it is, Sat. nite again. I got thru work at 9:30 P.M. and it is 10:15 now and I have nothing else to do but to write you. It sure seems like a lonely Sat nite when you're not here, in fact I haven't even heard from you for several days. Please Darling, why don't you write more often? I love you, and I love to hear from you. If it's because you don't know of anything to write about, why just write anyway.
    I sure can't understand why Jack doesn't write me. He sure seems to be keeping himself covered. I don't see how he could possibly have any of that $40 left unless he got work some place. But wherever he is and whatever it is that he is doing, I sure hope that he is making out well, anyhow.
    I took that film down, this morning, for development. I will get the pictures next Monday evening.
    Next week I work from 8:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. During the past two weeks I've been working from 10:00 to 8:30 except today I worked from 11:00 to 9:30. I got in no overtime this week.
    Well I'm going to write Ben Simpkins at Nash Finch's tonite, So Good-night, my Sweet, till tomorrow. Lots of Love From Irv.

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