by Pam

Building Materials

Roger and I loved playing in the sand in the back yard.  We had the whole yard - not just a sand box.  Roger had some cool graders and a scoop shovel that we used.  One day the swimming pool was being emptied and we decided to dig a river complete with dikes and extra overflow ponds to use if the river went over its banks.  We were busy with construction when Kay brought the garbage out to the burn barrel (remember those!)  She stepped in a pile of dirt we were using and Roger called out "Hey! That's our dam material!"  Kay came unglued and told him not to ever use that language.  Having lived a somewhat sheltered life in a nice Lutheran family we had no idea what she was so upset about.  We needed that material as our river was about to overflow.  I still don't know what was wrong with her that day.

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