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I will not be coming
next Sunday until after
church.                          Bemidji Minn
                                     Apr. 4th, 1942

Dear Elsie-
   Well Darling I am planning to come out to see you Wed. evening. Vera wants to go too. I must not forget to call Rev. tomorrow, because he told me that he wished to go the next Wed. that I drive out there. Rolland told me today that if such a thing should occur that Doc. would advise another blood-transfusion for you, he wants to again be the donor. He feels as good as ever again now. He certainly has taken a great interest in your recovery since last Friday. Dad had a blow-out on his right-front wheel the other side of McIntosh on our way home Sunday. He just simply ruined his tire and tube. We had our supper at Alex Cafe, Crookston, before we left. Stopped at Harley & May's to see how May was and to let them know how you were. The swelling is about gone from her face but she said she could feel quite a lump on her jaw yet though. My, but they sure are fixing their house up swell. They had the painting all finished, but she has a large rug ordered and also some fancy heavy drapes for the window, which have not arrived as yet, and so their front room and dining room are still empty. The drapes are of a very heavy material and will hang clear to the floor from these swinging iron (or steel) bars that you see in pictures or classy homes. I would not be afraid to bet money that they will get a complete new set of furniture too, to go with it all. Well, cheer up Darling, I feel confident that the day is coming when we too can enjoy the nicer things of life. After all we are still young. I saw Albert Graff tonite in regards to the garden. He had come over to see me if he could get a garden spot from me Sunday while we were gone. He is going to use the north half and pay me half of the plowing. I warned him that it was very quacky, but he said he is used to quack. Well I'm getting awfully sleepy, Darling, so I must get this mailed and hit the bed, So Goodnight Sweetie Pie and I'll be seein' ya Wed eve.       Love Irvin.

P.S. Am going out to your folks tomorrow eve to let them know that I am going Wed eve. I don't know who is going from out there - Irvin

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