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                          8 Nov 1944
                          7:25 P.M.

My Dear Sweet Wife,
  I'm now tuned in on the tail end of the Chesterfield program. A million thanks to you. I'll bet you've been using this radio right along and now I'll bet you deprived yourself of it just to send it to me, didn't you? I'll bet you haven't got the other one fixed yet either, have you? And you being so short of money this month I suppose you'll not get it fixed yet this month. Did I not tell you to send this if or when it's fixed? Only today I got to wondering if you had got the other one fixed yet.
   When I got up at 1:30 this morning my throat was not sore & still is not, but of course I still have my cold. And was it ever cold standing around in that yard with 3 other guards in the dark just waiting for that 3 hrs to go by. It was 5:25 AM when I got to bed and then revelie was at 6. I don't know what I even went to bed this morning for except I did get warm under the blanket and a few winks too.
   Today I had it really easy. We, Atkinson & I, tested 3 boats and we had not a thing to do the rest of the time except that I rode on other test boats just to pass my time & to keep from being idle. Yesterday a special film was showed to us at the Rec in the afternoon. This film was of NLFED. It was really interesting to see how all our activities on this base appeared in the movie. The weather for the past two days has been beautiful. But it was cold and wet on our way over to NOB yesterday. Pat, the coxwain, drove our boat about half way to NOB and then we hit the big waves & his hands got so wet & cold he could hardly steer so he turned the wheel over to me the rest of the way. I really got a thrill out of steering the boat into and over those big waves. Of course we were towing an LCVP so we were not going so fast. We towed an old LCM back.
   I got a letter from you again today even if you didn't write it Sat. And now you've got me all hot & bothered about what that news is that you have in the letter I'll no doubt get tomorrow. It's the way you expressed it, "save some news for tonite, and I do have some."
   Speaking of sewing, I've been thinking of making 2 pr dungarees out of 4 old pr that are wearing out in the front, but don't know just how to go about it. And now again you did not get a letter from me last Sat. I'd better buckle down and keep those letters coming to you. I know just how it feels when a day comes along and no letter, and it certainly has been a very long time for me to have "no letter today."
   Well now maybe, as you suggested quite awhile ago, I did weight 185 in 1937-38 but I was thinking it was 175. This noon I weighed 175 lbs. Then I weighed again tonite; but still 175 lbs. Oh say, maybe that's the news you have in store for me. Maybe you weigh more than I guessed. Maybe quite a bit more. Do you suppose that could be possible? Maybe I wasn't such a good scientist afterall.
   Well I must shave Darling, or mean the whiskers off my face, Darling so will close and then see what I can do with this pen & stationary tomorrow nite. We have no fire in our room tonite. It is a little chilly in here, but not too cool for sleeping. Pryor & I are thinking of looking for another room that has heat furnished from downstairs & where we can have the necessary blankets. We still only have those very light blankets I told you about. One blanket for each bed.

            Goodnight my Dear
          and may God bless You &
             our children
                 Oceans of Love with
                    Hugs & Kisses from
                   Your Loving Hubby

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