Fred and Helga

16 pictures:

  The first five pictures on this page
  are from the box of negatives.

Grandpa Fred about to descend to the root
cellar from the Paulson kitchen

Grandpa Fred listening to the farm report
at the Paulson farm

Helga, Pam, Fred

Helga at Irvin and Elsie house

Fred, Helga, Pam at the Paulson farm


Helga and Fred at the Paulson farm

At the Irvin and Elsie house in Fridley

At Clarence and Harriet's house

Pam, Kevin, Helga

Helga, Kevin, Fred

64th wedding anniversary

Helga and Fred

Helga Larson on right

At the Irvin and Elsie house

At the Irvin and Elsie house

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