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Mom also kept a few cards other than valentines in the valentine box, and they're included here.

The only card on this page is the famous Peder Christianson Christmas card of 1935. Pam and I were examining it Thanksgiving 2016, and we were very intrigued as to what Peder had written inside the card, which writing Mom had covered with stickers. (There was just a tiny bit of Peder's writing showing past the edge of one of the stickers. It was
Pam with her eagle eye who noticed it.) It was clear to us
that Mom didn't want Dad to see what Peder had written.

Pam suggested that we steam the stickers off.

Well, I've finally done that (after making a high-resolution copy of course).

I was filled with anticipation, enthralled, as I saw that the stickers were coming free.

What a disappointment when the text was revealed.

As you'll see when you read the card, perhaps it was Peder who decided to go with the stickers rather than with what he'd written.  Scholars could debate.

P.S.   I managed to preserve the stickers as well as the card.

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