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 1942 letters exchanged between Mom and Dad

 (numbers 25 through 41.  There are 41 Crookston
 letters involving Mom's two hospital stays there.)

 to Dad from Jack  April 19 (photo-copy)

 to Mom from Dad  May 21

 Dad couldn't always find good paper to write on.
 This letter, on a small piece of paper, has a
 nice look.  Dad used much smaller hand-writing
 on it to make everything he had to write fit
 on the paper.  Half the size of his normal
 writing:  photo-copy of May 21 

 Here ends Mom's first stay in
 the Crookston hospital.

 In August, she returned to
 Crookston for an operation.
 from Dad  August 18

 from Dad  August 19

     from Mom  August 20

 from Dad  August 20

 from Dad  August 21

 from Dad  August 24

 from Dad  August 25

     from Mom  August 25

 from Dad  August 25

 from Dad  August 28

 from Dad  August 30

 from Dad  August 31

 surprise photo-copies (two) (Don't peek till after Aug 31 letter)

     from Mom  Sept 2

 from Dad  Sept 3

 from Dad  Sept 3

 telegram Sept 5 (photo-copy)

 hospital bill  Sept 5 (photo-copy)

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